How the far-left became far-right

Moderate Choice
6 min readJun 19, 2020


How the far-left is successfully becoming the far-right. Image taken from

Something to ponder for all of us. This is a startling development in our society.

Until recently the far-left and far-right extremists had been fringe groups — a very small minority that was getting smaller every day because the rest of us kept up the good fight.

The far-left is based on taking the law in their own hands to decide for others (we know what’s best for you — communism, socialism, fascism), and the far-right is based on narrow identity and race based activities (extreme nationalism based on “original” people concept).

Ultimately they both lead to communist/fascist dictatorships and total control of a few over the masses.

Sadly and dangerously for all of us, the far-left groups have been successful in breaching the defenses of our democracy.

America’s noble liberal movement (both right and left) to secure equality for all been hijacked by a hate culture of the far-left.

The fringes have left the moderates powerless.

By successfully confusing the liberals, the far-left movement has been successful in spreading hate and turning the left into the far right.

They have expanded the anarchy fight, and are now fighting from both the right and the left.

It’s dangerous because our future leaders — students in universities and high schools that will lead the next generation have been infected with this hate.

Here’s how it happened. The fringe groups normalized and successfully conflated polar-opposite things on most current topics — so much so that the average liberal was unable to distinguish between the two.

Here are some examples:

The confusing of “illegal immigrant” with “immigrant”.

Everyone wants strong borders but a welcoming culture.

That’s because all of us are in-fact immigrants here.

But even as the liberal intellectuals on both the left and the right were debating policy, the dialog was slowly being hijacked by the far-left.

They were able to portray the debate as a fight against racism — although people of all races including from Europe are deported annually.

The cages (enclosures) installed by President Obama in 2014 to improve detention capacity on the border were attributed to President Trump’s policies of “race superiority”. So much so that President Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” was characterised as racist.

And by doing so, the far-left succeeded in making it about one race against another — a typical recipe of the far-right.

In fact the one politician who stood in the way of granting permanent residency to Indian visa holders was a democrat, not a republican. And the 2018 separation of families was due to a 1998 law passed under President Clinton, not by President Trump.

Instead of debating the law, the far-left extremists were able to hi-jack the debate and make it about race.

Reversing the fight for black upliftment

The far left successfully reversed the fight for black empowerment by turning it into every non-white immigrant’s fight.

And they confused us by changing “police brutality” to “systemic racism”.

Suddenly the country that elected a black President and celebrates black sportspeople and artists was deemed systemically racist.

The Atlanta PD which is 54% black was deemed systemically racist.

In fact the entire republican party was deemed racist.

The issue of solving and fighting crime in a humane way was forgotten, and racial identity became the primary factor in determining who is right and wrong.

Thus the far-left successfully took advantage of this rhetoric to make this a far-right movement.

Consider this paradox — we speak of white, brown and Asian privilege while at the same time we headlined the stories of this same brown and Asian privileged people talking about how they were racially discriminated against!

It has become a free for all, and the far-left has succeeded in their anarchist goals of dividing the society on racial lines exactly as a far-right extremist would.

The issue of “saving the environment” was confused with “anti-climate”

Constant mischaracterization of the liberal actions taken by the government to make regulations easier to handle to allow for entrepreneurship to flourish in the US was portrayed as anti-climate.

Did anyone stop to think that the Paris Agreement allowed China and India to pollute till 2035 with little restrictions, while requiring the US to reduce emissions — that means no production here, but in China. The environment effect of that is the same!

But by branding President Trump as “anti-climate” and “racist”, the far-left succeeded in building on the race based rhetoric, and created instead a quiet “far-right” movement.

The issue of “trans inclusion” was confused with “transphobia”

It started with the far left branding the trans rallies as a means to “trans rights” instead of celebrating “diversity and trans inclusion”.

The liberal left played along not realizing that pretty soon all common sense would be lost.

And sure enough, soon, every “white old man” was deemed anti-trans and “transphobic”.

Every woman who said a “a biological man is not a woman” was deemed anti-trans and a TERF.

Every parent who opposed harmful medical intervention (puberty blockers and other meds) and surgeries (breasts removal for girls) for their minor children was deemed an unfit “trans-phobic” parent.

The fight was on to let biological men use women’s bathrooms and compete in women’s sports. Women who protested were maligned and called names.

It doesn’t matter that most men and women in the US support trans inclusion. Instead the rhetoric became about Christianity and race while the flaws in Islam and Hinduism were glossed.

The intellectual media was happy peddling this “trans women are women” rhetoric instead of talking about “trans inclusion”. The voice of reason was conflated with “transphobia” and racism.

Instead of pushing Congress to pass adequate laws, the fight became about encouraging medical harm of children and taking over women’s spaces.

So this movement straddles now a far-left and far-right movement based on race and identity.

The Covington Catholic “children” who were falsely portrayed as racist is another example of the far-left tactic of taking the far-right rhetoric to the people. And the media supporting it.

What can we do?

The progress of our open society is at a danger of being pushed back a 100 years.

The intellectuals and the media have been so engrossed in “winning the election for the democrats” that they have inadvertently fallen prey to the far-left strategy.

And they have succeeded in converting a significant number of left leaning liberals and moderates into the “far-right”.

Normal people such as students in universities who have been influenced have been so blinded by the propaganda that they don’t even see the far-left “leaders” amongst them.

In fact, students are proudly protesting against their own parents — the only people who will literally die for them!

They do not even realize that they are now behaving exactly the same way as a non-democratic, non-republican, far-right or far-left extremist.

So the far-left is having a field day because because they have succeeded in doing what the far-right couldn't — divide the country based on race, national origin and sexual identity

Everyone should know that this is not a democrat or republican problem. It’s a far-left and far-right problem that we must fight against.

Anyone who cares to do a little digging beyond the media headlines will see the false racist and anti-immigrant claims that are routinely being put out. As soon as you start asking questions, you find that those arguments don’t hold any water at all.

The real democrats on the left and especially those in the media need to wake up before the extremists destroy our country.

We cannot succumb to the strategies of the far-left who has turned into the far-right.

Things will get better by being united, not by division and hate.

Here’s to democracy. And to common sense. And to recognizing the false prophets amongst us who are really wolves in sheep’s clothing.


  1. A good reference to the central message of this article is The Horseshoe Theory explained on Wikipedia
  2. Header image taken from the above article and annotated with the message of this article.



Moderate Choice
Moderate Choice

Written by Moderate Choice


No right or left. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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